Sunday, August 29, 2010

Disunity in Unity...

"No problem is such that it has no solution!"
Who the hell says this? The solution to every problem itself becomes, or creates a new problem. No problem has a true solution. There is only a compromise. I can make you know many of them. Right now let me tell you the most common ones.
To start with, let me talk about population control. What solution can you come up with? Lets say single child policy. And yearly tax to be paid if no. of children born to a couple exceeds 1. All the illiterate and poor people, who contribute to 33 percent of the total population of India, will revolt back. All the non-ruling political parties will stand in favor of those illiterates and those poor, opposing the ruling political party, because all they are concerned with is number of seats, or votes. That is, in fact, what they get from these people : votes. And they make it very easily, because we, the so called sophisticated and literate people are concerned with ourselves only. We don't like, better don't want to get into trouble, and so we stay away from all this drama (that is what we call all these issues). The ultimate fate is increment in the no. of seats of the new party (coz we, the literate ones, are too busy to vote) and again a sort of compromise with the present situation which in no way helps in alleviating the problem.
Now one of you say you have a solution and you post it here in my blog. But does that really solve the problem? Because like me - like every common man - you know that the corruption level in the country is almost incalculable. So you believe that there is no 'one man army'.
So here any solution is bound to become a problem itself.

Now take the second one. We don't need to go too far. Look at ourselves. The present committee for the coming fest of our college took almost two complete days and nights just to decide how many second yearites they have to keep in the committee. And unbelievably the no. of students is around 160. The north Indians want at least 45 of their juniors, the localites say that they want at least 30 of theirs, likewise south Indians want their juniors. But still while discussing this goddamn thing with my friends, they advise me to enjoy my self and forget these existing problems. They say that I really can't do anything, and that I should just lie back and enjoy the remaining two years of my college life. Since I am not going to be in this college two years from now, I'd rather enjoy my 'today'. What solution can you come up with? Scrape out this regionalism????? Do you think that all of us are ready to do that? More than half of us are not. They support this cheap system, forgetting that the full form of their college NIT is 'National' Institute of Technology. If we feel no shame in dividing Indians to Rajasthanis, Gujaratis, Biharis, etc. in our college, how can we expect India to be united? The greatest feature of our Incredible India is not Unity in diversity, but disunity in that unity, coz I've seen with my eyes, the height of rivalry, the inexplicable and pointless jealousy between "Entru-Meet" and "Autofest". We are united as long as we are not doing anything creative. We are united on the pitch of 'Manoj Memorial cricket tournament' to support our hostel team. We are united when we cheer a band performing on the stage of Rattle and Hum. But when it comes to the vote for the HS of a hostel? Are we united when asked to choose the deserving junior for any post? No. Then all our unity disintegrates into the petty regionalism that is in our blood. This is called the concept of 'Disunity in unity".

Therefore, I challenge you to come up with a solution for at least the problem that is close to us - the problem of regionalism in the college. If you do come up with a solution, then you will have refuted my premise of no problem having a true solution.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Here I am... 2000 feet above the earth on a cliff. A cliff from where I may end up, losing everything. A cliff which possibly could become my final destination. The cordial climate here is making me remember my friends whose presence in my life made everything possible, everything easy. Who slowly became an eternal part of my life. But they never made me realize that the road I was walking on, would lead me where I am now. The gentle touch of this cold and yet strangely comforting wind makes me remember the pleasure of your touch, the touch that I once believed would caress me forever. But you were determined and destined not to be with me anymore. The vague sound of the night is making me remember my passion - my music, my guitar, which has always been my best friend since I was born. But this beautiful relation with the most beautiful thing in the world was again destined to break someday, and so it did. The half visible moon on the sky is making me remember the night I made my decision to choose engineering as my career. Later I became sick of imagining machines and their parts. I became frustrated of the new books every semester I was supposed to mug up. I was discouraged by the 40 exams I was supposed to give in every four months. And In the end I was disheartened on leaving college without any job. So here I am... Finally knowing what is my next step, which would take me down, back to the earth within a few blinks of my eyes. And before raising my foot off the rock, I remember my mom and dad, who have always loved in spite of all my mistakes, whose sole aim was to see me as a successful human being. But I shattered their dream. Mom, I know it would be very hard for you to accept this, but I can't take the burden of this motiveless life anymore, and can't become a burden on you as well. And finally before I fly in air, I want to wait for someone's voice, 'Please come back for me.' But here I am... moving freely under gravity. No signal to stop me, no border to confine my movements, swinging to the force of the winds, here I am, saying my last good-bye....