Sunday, April 25, 2010

A problem with me; or a problem in me?

They say, 'Life is full of reasons to smile...' Very true quote! Then why is it that life seems to be full of problems now-a-days? Problems in judgments, decisions, sentiments, competition, and moreover, in friendship. Why is there something to deplore about in every success? Why do I find something despicable in every achievement? I am rummaging for the answers to these questions for the last few months. Finally, I think I've got it. Like they say that if you are in problem, there's some problem within you. So yesterday I made a list of all the problems I am suffering with, or some problems in me.

1. Self-inferiority complex: I think this is the biggest problem I've found in myself. For example, two of my friends are communicating in English, and I know that I can do that well, may be better than them. But my tongue twists when I try to speak a word in English In-front of them. I feel that they'll think me a fool, of that they are better than me. This feeling finally takes my thoughts to a depressed state where I start feeling that I really, am a fool. Similarly in every field, I am never able to give my cent percent because every time if I meet someone better than me, I keep thinking that I know nothing.

2. Self-esteem: Well I think it is clumsy to mention self-esteem after self-inferiority. But sometimes I do believe that there's an essence of self-esteem somewhere inside me. Like sometimes I feel that I am the only talented guy left out in the whole world. I can sing, I can compose and script music, I can write poetry, and moreover I can play many musical Instruments starting from the Guitar to the Synthesizer including drums. So at some junctures, I feel that I am getting less importance than I am supposed to get. But I forget that there are far more talented people in this world than me, and also that my talent is limited to music and poetry. This becomes a problem with me.

3. Human lover: I believe that I am a human lover because it takes me a very short duration of time to get sentimentally attached to someone. I feel I can understand their emotions very well. I can become a good friend of anyone in a very short time. But sometimes it becomes a problem with me because such a short period of time seems to be insufficient for them to understand me. And again, as they say that make a friend when you both can completely understand one another.

4. Expectations: The biggest factor for the sadness of many people - expectations. As they say, 'Either expect less, or accept the reality.' Many of my friends always keep telling me that I am expecting a lot from them. But i believe that you can expect only from those whom you love. And from my side I always try to give my hundred percent on their expectations. But it becomes a problem with me because I always expect them to expect from me, but to be there for at least half of my expectations.

5. Problem: And at last, the biggest problem is itself, a problem. This one is not specifically for me, but I think this one is for everyone. When we are in problem, we need to split it out with someone. But we often forget that he/she may also be in some problem, abd how can someone on a problem can alleviate your problem?

So, hereby I found out that all the problems with me are originating from the problems in me. But I still couldn't find a solution to it, because they say that the only solution for it is a change, a change in me. But I am trying my level best and I know that one day I will see my life without problems.....

Well, I think somewhere some of these problems are related to your life also... And I believe if you'll try to, you'll also find that many problems with you are originating from the problems in you, as I found with me. So relate it with you...


  1. U r absolutely right...These problems r with many of us..But the problem is that we dont want to come out of that by heart..
    As said by u..SELF INFERIORITY-ya u r right...many of us r suffering with this problem..not only the english but many others too
    EXPECTATION-"But i believe that you can expect only from those whom you love"-very true line...
    we expect from those whom we think we r very close with us nd when our expectations r not fulfilled we get annoyed
    In my view one must not expect from others..limit ur expectation

  2. Thanks bro... We all have to hang out our problems ourselves anyway...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. don't complain abot othrs..change urself if u want"iTs easier to protect ur feet with slippers than to carpet d whole Earth"...
    well changE...which is really a difficult task fr all of us..
    bt constant working on thm ..vl leav us vd sum fruitful results ..inshaAllah..!!

  5. Well Thanks Nikita but I am not complaining about anyone, as you can see the title is 'A problem with me or a problem in me'. And yeah, I am constantly trying to change. And one day I'll meet fruitful results... Ihsna-allah.
